Welcome to Worthiness
I believe you have everything you need already inside of you to offer the world your inherent worth.
If you’re ready to live in alignment with the truth of who you are, sign up for my FREE, monthly, practice manual Worthy & Tonic to start bringing a fresh quality of presence to how you move through the world.
You are Worthy, Wise & Whole.
I am here to inspire you to build intentional quality personalized practices to affirm reliable, inner trust and rapport with the truth of who you are and all that you value.
So, come! Join me in developing your personal practice – a signature, simple, practical, yet spiritually infused, experience for you to embrace daily and accomplish all the longings of your heart to live an empowered life.
Current Offerings!
Yoga Classes via Zoom
Monday 9:00 – 10:30 am
Monday 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 – 10:15 am (Starting May 4th)
These sessions are designed to transform your mind, body and spiritual concerns into great life accomplishments. Through observing your patterns and habits alongside the tendencies and inclinations of your unique astrology chart I will support you in choosing fresh practices that will generate positive everlasting change. Self knowledge you can trust!
Worthy & Tonic
A FREE monthly teaching that connects you to the magic and intelligence of your natal chart.
Astrology is best when you understand how to apply it.
Worthy & Tonic is for you to embrace Worthiness in every sector of your life. Build rapport of your mind, body and spirit in alignment with the current season and cycle of time. Worthy & Tonic is the elixir of you!
When you align your mind and your body with your spiritual ideals and values, you can create magnificent life achievements. Fulfilling any goal, vision, or dream means shifting old habits and patterns into new behaviors that serve your highest aspirations.
Activate your inner YES! and live an empowered life. Join me in a conversation about how to use your mind, body, and spiritual beliefs as guides to achieving your dreams.
When you learn to recognize, honor, and develop your intuitive intelligence as a source of deep-seated truth, you will discover a navigational tool for accomplishing anything your heart longs for. Let’s bridge the gap between what you have and what you want by creating personalized practices that launch you in the direction of your dreams.

NSOROMMA (guardianship) – this is an Ashanti Ghanaian symbol to honor my teacher, Kofi Busia.
It was made for me by my friends at LMNO Arts.