About Jane

Jane is a highly intuitive evolutionary astrologer who has been transmitting and studying the teachings of natal astrological charts for 30 years. She is the owner of Blake Avenue Yoga Studio in Corralitos, California.

Jane is also the creator of the Rebirth Your Worth Coaching Program, as well as Worthy & Tonic, where she combines the fields of soul-centered astrology, classical yoga, and quantum energetics to provide people a path toward clarity of purpose, greater intimacy, creativity, and joy.

 Jane draws upon years of experience, specialized education, and her passion for helping people achieve their highest potential and fulfill their wildest dreams.

Live Your Deepest Truth


Remember how to believe in yourself and connect to your inherent worthiness.


Create positive movement in the four quadrants of life: career, relationships, home life, and personal vision…


Transform obstacles into stepping stones, to feel courageous, be unconditional love, and live your authentic self.

My Background & Studies

  • Owner Blake Ave Studio for Yoga/ Instructor
  • Completed Power of Awareness Meditation Course (with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach in 2016)
  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach (2015 – Institute for Integrative Nutrition)
  • Universal Life Church Credentialed Minister (call me for weddings!)
  • Founder of Dirty Girl Produce 1996
  • Director Homeless Garden Project 1993
  • UCSC Ecological Horticulture Program 1990
  • RIMYL Iyengar Institute Pune India 2011
  • 200 hour “Eccentric” Yoga Teacher Training course with Kofi 2008
  • Conflict Resolution Center Mediation Skills Training 2003
  • Cypress Institute Massage School Training 1999
  • BS degree Biology Lewis and Clark College Portland Oregon 1986

A few of my favorite things:

  • Loving JP, my kind husband
  • Being a Mother to Bella, my compassionate daughter and her cat Leo
  • Being a Student and Teacher of Yoga
  • Reader of Astrological Charts – Book a Reading!
  • Incredible Humor & Laughing
  • Growing, reading, cooking, eating all about food
  • Travel, anywhere, anytime
  • Surfing the Great Mothers Oceans
  • Frolicking and Living in Wilderness
  • Deep reverence of Artists past and present
  • Witnessing Incredible Athleticism

Working with Jane on a 6-month program is transformative. She was flexible to adapt her work to what I was wanting to focus on while guiding me through a transitional time. Jane’s knowledge and commitment to the mind body connection was easy to follow and adopt into my own life.

AE, Mother, Artist

I get an astrology reading from Jane once a year and every time it comes around I am counting down the days until we meet! I LOVE my sessions with Jane…they offer so much depth and always give me new insight and understanding of whats currently going on in my life and how I can use the planets to support me in my choices. Jane is an incredible space holder– she’s highly intuitive and offers so much wisdom and guidance around blind spots as well as compassionate reflection. Not to mention FUN! Her energy is contagious and she makes astrology extremely approachable and easy to infuse into your daily life, beyond the session. I always feel so seen and supported with Jane, and leave the sessions feeling empowered and with a high that lasts for weeks. Already looking forward to my next session!

Lydia Holistic Empowerment Coach

NSOROMMA (guardianship) – this is an Ashanti Ghanaian symbol to honor my teacher, Kofi Busia.

It was made for me by my friends at LMNO Arts.

Send Jane a Note

Book a one-on-one Intuitive Astrological Session. Schedule here!