You were born worthy, wise & whole.
Together we will lovingly unfold the gift-wrapped package of who you are at core: your values, your habits, your strengths, and your challenges. This self-knowledge will empower you to know your worth, realize your inherent wholeness, and embody your inborn wisdom.
Let your own hands, your own heart, and your own mind become the healers, the creators, and the leaders of your beautiful, beautiful life.
I look forward to working with you!

Jane was able to help me work toward my goals by really listening, setting up simple steps, being kind and non-judgmental. She encouraged me to not be judgmental about myself and she really got to know me
Jane is someone who is LIVING and examining, studying, and reflecting on life – mind, body and soul. She has cultivated great wisdom and a radiant heart and is an active listener: kind, nonjudgmental and encouraging. She has a clear vision of inner truths and she understands how to slow down which helped me to let go to grow into greater SELF LOVE
Assistant Vice Principal, yogi, & freediving ocean explorer
I was floating. I didn’t know where to start but I knew I needed things to get better. I wanted to cultivate wonder in life and to be present in my body and all that I was doing at home and work. Jane offered advice that I can only characterize as simultaneously grounded and higher-level in perspective. Talking to Jane felt like hearing truth from the roots of the earth and from a birds’ eye perspective.
Maia B.
UC Professor, mama, avid knitter & culinary arts enthusiast
Jane’s not only a deeply wise yoga teacher – she’s also an incredible Astrologist! We had a session last month and she shared with me my natal chart and all of my yearly transits and it was truly AMAZING!!!! Her mind-blowing insights and contagious, enthusiastic passion for her work makes her readings a total feckin’ blast! It’s like taking a wild ride with your favorite cool cousin who always somehow new the groovy, new happenin’ shit way before you did. HA!
Seriously though, I walked away from our session feeling deeply seen, understood, and acknowledged for all that I’ve come through and all that I’m still moving towards. Not only did she nurture and explain the tender parts of my chart (childhood tragedies) – she also celebrated and encouraged (with such generosity and love) the places of my unwavering strength, my true purpose, and my expanding vision. Not one to be shy… She also gave me a little kick in the ass about finishing that first draft of my book this year!
I was so moved by her on-point ability to “show me, me” – that I gifted a reading with her to at least 3 different beloved friends who I know (like me) have big dreams and plans!
Spiritual Mentor and Coach

NSOROMMA (guardianship) – this is an Ashanti Ghanaian symbol to honor my teacher, Kofi Busia.
It was made for me by my friends at LMNO Arts.